Sunday 10 February 2013

Bible Book:

Luke 9:28-36 Sunday 10 February 2013


Mountains have always held an attraction to people. "Why did youwant to climb it?" is the question posed to the mountaineer, onlyto receive the reply, "Because it is there". On a fine day in theLake District you can see a long line of people making the trek tothe hill top or the mountain top.

Mountains are important in the Bible. It was on the top of MountSinai that Moses received the ten commandments (Exodus20), it was on the mountain of Horeb that Elijah heard thevoice of God (1 Kings 19:11-18). And it was on the mountainthat Jesus was transfigured, and Peter, John and James saw him asthey have never seen him before.

Why mountains have a spiritual importance is not clear. Maybe itis the elemental landscape without features and so does not prove adistraction. Maybe it is the feeling that being up high, you cansee more of God's creation or perhaps there is the idea you arecloser to God. But that fascination continues today.

God's words "This is my Son, my Chosen; listen to him!" aresimilar, yet different to God's words at Jesus' Baptism "You are mySon, the Beloved" (Luke 3:22). Jesus has moved from being "theBeloved", to "my Chosen". It suggests a move in the gospel story.Jesus clearly had a task to fulfil. And the three disciples areprivy to that - perhaps that is why they remained silent and toldno one (verse 36). But the silence and secrecy could not (and wouldnot) like for long.

To Ponder

  • Where do you feel close to God? If it is a place far away, howcan you find a place closer to home?
  • What is your reaction to hearing God's words spoken to you:'This is my son/daughter, my chosen; listen to them"?
  • What do you have to say, that others need to listen to?

Saturday 23 February 2013
Monday 11 February 2013