Sunday 10 January 2010
"When Jesus also had been baptized and was praying, the heaven was opened, and the Holy Spirit descended upon him in bodily form like a dove." (v.21, 22)
John the Baptist was a charismatic figure who obviously drew thecrowds. He stood in the tradition of the Old Testament prophets -proclaiming God's message to the people. They wondered if he wasthe promised Messiah who they were waiting for. It was a time ofwhat is called 'messianic expectation'. John was clear that someoneelse was following him, someone who was far greater than hewas.
Baptism was a traditional way of showing repentance - turning yourlife round and following God's way. You could even immerseyourself!
John was there in the River Jordan, offering baptism to the crowds,and warning of the judgement to come.
After everyone else had been baptized, Jesus himself came to Johnto be baptized. While he was praying, the scene suddenlytransforms. No longer is this just an ordinary baptism, but God isheard to confirm Jesus' special role as God's beloved son. The HolySpirit, as a dove, comes down onto him - Jesus is the messianicking!
To Ponder
Why do you think Jesus needed to be baptized? Howwas he different from all the other people who came to John theBaptist?
Would you have asked John to baptize you? In whatways does your life need 'turning round'?