Sunday 13 March 2016
Psalm: Psalm 126
In Arthur Conan Doyle's 'A Scandal in Bohemia', Dr John Watsonwrites of the enigmatic Irene Adler: "To Sherlock Holmes she isalwaysthewoman. I have seldom heard him mention her under any othername."
The narrative of 'the woman' who caused outrage by anointingJesus' feet with costly perfume (worth around a year's wages for alabourer) appears in all four Gospels. But who was she? Accordingto Matthew (Matthew 26:6-13) and Mark (
Not content with two, popular culture has added a third woman tothe mix. Paintings of Mary Magdalene frequently depict her with ajar of perfume, linking her to 'the woman' and her supposed sins(commentators and painters alike have greatly enjoyed imaginingwhat exactly these sins might have been). In fact, this Mary'sstory in the Bible is that of a woman, liberated from seven demons,and who supported Jesus throughout his ministry (
The story of 'the woman' is a reminder of the ease with whichstories can become blurred and distorted. But more importantly, itis a reminder of the enduring potency of an act of extravagantlove.
To Ponder
- What do you think made this story so special that it found itsway (in one way or another) into all four Gospels?
- Try searching online for paintings of Mary Magdalene. What doyou think these paintings are trying to tell us about Mary? Andwhat do you think they might be trying to tell us about Jesus (byassociation)?
- How important is it to 'get at' the literal facts andhistorical figures behind each story?