Sunday 14 April 2013
This story heralds a week of Word in Time readings which, likeall good stories, remind of us of other stories that themselveshelp us interpret what's going on. This post-Easter story of theliving Jesus draws together echoes of other moments from Jesus'ministry, helping us to appreciate John's vision of who Jesus wasand is.
It's an account in which the humanity and flaws of the disciplePeter are to the fore, perhaps in deliberate contrast to thegreater perceptiveness of "that disciple whom Jesus loved" (v. 7),John, in whose name this story has been written. Certainly there isa contrast to be explored between the humanity of the disciples andthe divinity of Jesus, "the Lord" they are being called to followall over again.
It is John who first identifies "the Lord" (v. 7) on the beach,though Peter responds with characteristic enthusiasm by jumpingfrom his fishing boat and swimming to shore. Are there echoes hereof the stories in the other Gospels of Jesus calling his disciples(eg Luke 5:1-11)? Once again the fishermen arecalled, firstly to join with Jesus, in a meal that reminds us oftheir pre-Easter Passover together; then secondly (this time toPeter alone) to 'follow me'. In between, we have recalled thepainful memory of Peter's three denials of Jesus while waiting inthe courtyard as Jesus was being tried (
It's as if Peter's discipleship is being re-evaluated because,following the events of Easter, the stakes are now higher. If Peterthought he was following an inspiring teacher and leader before,now he is being asked to commit to somebody and something fargreater - to someone in whom God lives and breathes. Just as aseaside breakfast is transformed by the resurrected Jesus into anact of remembrance and solidarity, so the resurrected Jesus demandsof Peter solidarity in a new kind of sacrificial discipleship.
To Ponder
- Has Easter been a turning point for you this year? How has yourcommitment to discipleship been refreshed?
- Are there things you have sacrificed (or may have to in thefuture) for your beliefs? What are they?
- To what extent do you think there can be true discipleshipwithout any sacrifice at all?