Sunday 16 August 2015

Bible Book:

“I am the living bread” (v. 51)

John 6:51-58 Sunday 16 August 2015

Psalm: Psalm 67


John chapter 6 gives us an extended discussion of the sign ofthe feeding of the 5,000 (John6:1-15) - a story that is reported in each of the four Gospels.As so often in John's Gospel, we move seamlessly from the report ofthe words and actions of Jesus to a meditation in which Johndevelops his own understanding of Jesus. In this short section thestory is linked with the big themes of the Old Testament. Thewandering people of God, the coming kingdom and the deep meaning ofJesus' life and ministry all belong together. So what at firstlooks like a simple story about loaves and fishes now sheds lighton the past, present and future of God's bountiful provision. Youwill find that these few verses make most sense when they are readin the context of the whole chapter.

Looking back, this passage reminds us of the story of the giftof manna in the wilderness (Exodus16) when God averted the threat of starvation by miraculouslyfeeding the fleeing Israelites. What God did then, God can do now;as Jesus draws together a renewed and expanded people of God, thereis another miracle of feeding.

And it's not just that ancient story of the Exodus that relatesto this passage. There is also the Christian experience of eatingtogether as they share the bread and wine of the Lord's Supper, orEucharist. Early Christians were sometimes accused of cannibalismby opponents who misunderstood their language of eating the fleshand drinking the blood of Jesus. For John's Gospel, that languageis all about how our lives are inextricably and intimately bound upwith that of Jesus, the Word made flesh (John1:14). Here, we anticipate the great banquet when people fromevery nation will sit down with the Messiah in his kingdom. Theopening verses of John's Gospel, familiar to us from being read inChristmas services, announce that "in the beginning was the Word"(John 1:1). Though they might have understoodthem differently, both Jewish and Greek readers would haveacknowledged the truth of this. What was more shocking for both wasthe later statement, "and the Word became flesh and dwelt among us"(John 1:14). It is this that brings us to thedistinctive belief of Christians.

To Ponder

  • What have been your experiences of transforming meals?
  • How might our celebration of Holy Communion help us celebrateour intimate relationship with 'the Word made flesh'? 
Saturday 29 August 2015
Monday 17 August 2015