Sunday 16 June 2024

… he spoke the word to them, as they were able to hear it. (v. 33)

Mark 4:26-34 Sunday 16 June 2024

Psalm 92

I’ve highlighted a verse that seems quirky, at least to me. I picture the scene as Jesus, a tad slowly, is explaining what the kingdom of God is like. The disciples couldn’t fully grasp it, despite Jesus using stories or parables to help get the meaning across.

Anyone with an involvement in education is very aware that certain ways of communicating work well for some people but not for others. Jesus deliberately takes his time, goes at our pace and makes it as straightforward as possible. Why?

Whether we are academic or not is irrelevant, even though our theology and Church pronouncements can sometimes be far from accessible. Our faith is not about passing exams in knowledge but rather it's about us living our lives in response to God’s love, forgiveness and presence with us.

Jesus is demonstrating an inclusive approach that seeks to enable understanding for all. A generation ago while a mission partner in Sri Lanka, I was involved in local preacher training and well remember one preacher who couldn’t read or write. He had never read the Bible for himself. It's very possible to find various ways to confirm someone’s call to preach and gifts for that ministry beyond the written word. But it has stayed with me that this preacher had the ability to communicate the good news while not having the ability to read it for himself. He relied on others in order to hear God’s word, although reading is only one of the many ways God’s word is communicated.

And for those of us who can fall into the error of an elevated view of our own self importance, it's so good to recognise we need others to help us understand God.

That preacher is still preaching to me 25 years later.

To Ponder:

  • How are you helping others to hear God’s word today?
  • Who has helped you to hear what God is saying?

Gracious God, I thank you that you speak in so many ways. Help me to have ears to hear what you are saying, and help me to enable others to hear your voice.

Bible notes author: The Revd Dr Stephen Skuce
Stephen is the Superintendent of the North Western District of The Methodist Church in Ireland.

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