Sunday 19 April 2015

Bible Book:

“You are witnesses of these things.” (v. 48)

Luke 24:36-48 Sunday 19 April 2015

Psalm: Psalm 4


The passage today is set in Jerusalem on the evening of thefirst Easter Day. It describes the third post-resurrectionappearance of Jesus, the first being to the women at the tomb (Luke24:1-8) and the second to two disciples on the Emmaus Road (Luke24:13-35).

Now Jesus appears to all the disciples and other believers whowere together, discussing the reports of those who had already seenJesus.

Jesus first words to them were to comfort them, "Peace be withyou" (v. 36) or 'shalom'. 'Shalom' is a Hebrew greeting meaningpeace, completeness, prosperity and a concern for welfare. Afterall that he has suffered; after having been deserted by some ofthese same disciples; having explained beforehand to them that hewould be crucified and would rise again and now, finding them indisbelief … still Jesus' first concern is one of love and comforttowards them.

Jesus still had the evidence of the crucifixion on his body,which the company could see. Jesus showed them that he was withthem bodily by inviting them to touch him and by eating in front ofthem. He was no apparition; he was flesh and blood; he was trulyalive. After this Jesus reminded them of how he had explained tothem from Scripture about how he had to suffer, die and be raisedagain.

The disciples knew Jesus, they saw him die and now they haveseen him alive again. Jesus tells them that they must witness toall of this.

The message that all people can turn back to God and receiveforgiveness from him for all that they have done wrong must bepreached to all nations, starting right where they are inJerusalem.

To Ponder

  • The disciples are to start right where they are in tellingpeople about Jesus' resurrection and the offer of turning back toGod. What are the joys and difficulties of witnessing to your faithright where you are?
  • At this stage the disciples did not understand the meaning ofgoing "to all nations" (v. 47) with the good news. When they didunderstand, they struggled with the idea of sharing the gospel withnon-Jews. Are there individuals or groups of people that we writeoff, believing that it is pointless to share our faith with them?How might you change your view? And how might you share your faithwith them?

Bible notes' author: The Revd Ros Watson

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