Sunday 19 May 2024

But Peter, standing with the eleven, raised his voice and addressed them, “Men of Judea and all who live in Jerusalem, let this be known to you, and listen to what I say." (v. 14)

Acts 2:1-21 Sunday 19 May 2024

Psalm 104


Today is Aldersgate Sunday marking John Wesley’s transformative experiences.

At the age of 25 I was sent as a probationer minister to my first appointment in Lancashire. It was part of the country where the tradition of Whit Walks still took place. The churches of the town processed together through the streets as a Pentecost witness.

The first year I wanted to walk with the congregation. One of the women from the church, who later became godparent to my children, told me I was wrong. She said “You need to be at the front with other leaders and to be a witness as a leader and representative of the Church.”

Her advice was well said and had a profound effect upon me. I knew that I had to be prepared to lead. I also knew that the Church supported me. It was an awakening of responsibility. It remains a very special spirit-filled moment.

Did Peter have doubts that morning? Standing with him did the others say “Peter you must do this"? This is the first time Peter stands up in front of others to speak of Jesus his Lord. What a change from the person who but seven weeks before had stood close to a fire and denied Jesus. Now the fire burned within him to share the news of God’s saving power. It is the same fire of the Spirit that is within each of us when we respond to the power of the Spirit.

Peter raised his voice. Not in the usual manner of raising a voice in anger but rather to be heard above all the noise and commotion. In other words, to cut through everything else so that he could speak the message of hope that would lead to thousands that day to find salvation.

There is a place for the Church to raise its voice. To cut through the noise that is preventing people hearing the salvation that is offered in Jesus. In a world besieged by the clamour and din of competing voices the Church needs to be a witness to our faith and to show that the Spirit can offer hope.

To Ponder:

  • What is the Spirit-filled moment which challenged you to a new understanding of what God wanted you to do?
  • How can you support others to stand up and proclaim their faith?
  • Where does the Church need to raise its voice for justice today?

Holy Spirit, on the day we celebrate your coming upon the disciples, fill your Church and our lives today that we may be bold to share the good news amidst the noise of the world. Give us the grace to encourage others to see their calling to witness to your love. Amen.

Bible notes author: The Revd Paul Davis
Paul served for 40 years as a Methodist minister, most recently as Chair of the Lancashire District. He currently sits on the board of Trustees for Methodist Church Purposes.

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