Sunday 21 July 2024

And wherever he went, into villages or cities or farms, they laid the sick in the marketplaces, and begged him that they might touch even the fringe of his cloak; and all who touched it were healed. (v. 56)

Mark 6:30-56 Sunday 21 July 2024

Psalm 23

It’s often said that Mark’s Gospel moves at a fast speed. Time spent reflecting on the pace of ministry in today’s reading could make any of us wish for a quiet place to rest awhile. We glean from this passage something of Jesus’ attire: he wears tzitzit – prayer tassels – which people touched hoping to be healed. The prayer tassels are much as you will see orthodox Jews wearing today (see Numbers 15:37-40).

Jesus also recognises the need for rest away from the crowds (v. 31) and prayer away from the disciples (v. 46). Mark tells us something of the different aspects of people's needs too, both spiritual (teaching, guidance) and physical (food, healing). He speaks of their desperation, they hurried (v. 33) and rushed (v. 55) to Jesus. All this speaks of the ministry Jesus conducts and of how, miraculously, people’s needs are met (v. 56).

Today is Rural Mission Sunday and I am focussing on the final verses, which see Jesus on the farms as well as in the cities (v. 56). Much is said about the differences between town and country. We hear of their cultures and contexts and of how ministry is often conducted differently. Here Jesus moves easily from one to the other – and so do the people. Jesus’ ministry is equally valid and valued in villages, cities or on farms and he is open to each context and is happy to travel. This speaks of the inclusive nature of the gospel and the imperative to travel not just to those who need us but to those who need us most (to quote Mr Wesley). It reminds us too that each place is, or can be, as sacred as the next. And, wherever we are, even in isolated rural locations there are people in need and there is resource enough in Christ to meet it.

To Ponder:

  • What does this passage tell you about Jesus and what new thing will you reflect on?
  • In this passage we see no differentiation between urban and rural settings. If you live in a town, what do you know of the country and vice versa? If you know little, how are you going to find out more?
  • Here we see the inclusivity of Jesus ministry. There is no barrier to healing nor any boundary in his ministry. Where does your church reach out to and how does it include all within its ministry?

Heavenly Father, wherever Jesus went people came to him with their needs. May we always be open with hearts of compassion to receive those you bring to us and may we find in you the resources to minister to their need. Through Christ. Amen.

Bible notes author: The Revd David Newlove
David is Co-Superintendent in the North Cumbria Circuit. He is also an agricultural chaplain and he has been designated as the Mission Area Lead for Cumbria in the new North West England District.

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