Sunday 23 January 2011

Bible Book:

"From that time, Jesus began to proclaim, 'Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near.'" (v. 17)

Matthew 4:12-23 Sunday 23 January 2011


Today's passage provides Matthew's account of the start ofJesus' work or ministry on earth. Prior to that, everything in hislife had been a form of preparation leading up to this momentouspoint. Although none of the four Gospels provide a fulsome accountof Jesus' early life, they provide snippets of information whichreveal that he was being prepared for something 'big'. What ismore, thefirst 12 verses of Matthew 4 describeJesus' testing in the desert, which proved the final and mostdecisive portion of his training before he embarked on a ministrythat would transform the world. 

Jesus subsequently announces the start of his work with the call,"Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near". According toMatthew's version, Christ immediately recruits people (fishermen inthis case), to help him carry out his work. This clearlydemonstrates how central men and women were in Jesus' plans, notonly in terms of his focus, but also in methods he used to carryout his work. 

The Scriptures reveal that ordinary people are often used as agentsof God's divine interventions. However, unlike Jesus, men and womenmay not be aware that some trial or testing they are undergoing isa form of preparation for future Godly-inspired work. Nevertheless,akin to Jesus, there is often the need to involve others once Godhas revealed the work that must be undertaken. Today's passagereveals the calling of the first disciples - followers of Jesus whowould play such an important role in his work on earth. 

These verses also show that Christianity is very much a relationalfaith which involves Christians relying on God for ultimatesustenance and support. However, this passage also reveals the needto rely on fellow believers for a variety help andadvice. 

To Ponder

Who are today's equivalents of Jesus'disciples?

How can they be supported in their work? And howcan you support them?

How can you best be supported in yourdiscipleship?

Saturday 05 February 2011
Tuesday 25 January 2011