Sunday 23 March 2008
"For as yet they did not understand the scripture, that he must rise from the dead." (v.9)
Good Friday had been a day of sheer, unmitigated horror. Thefollowing day - the Jewish Sabbath - must have seemed never ending.Then on Sunday, at first light, the disciples came to the tomb.First Mary Magdalene, then Peter and John, and found that it wasopen and the body was gone.
Mary remained behind at the tomb, weeping, and encountered twoangels. She seems to have taken this in her stride. Nothingmattered to her beyond the fact that the body of Jesus had beentaken.
What about you? Have you ever been in a situation where your mindwas so fixed upon the one thing that concerned you that other,perhaps remarkable things, had no impact upon you at all?
Mary turned and saw Jesus but did not recognise him until he spokeher name. Then recognition flooded over her and she exclaimed"Rabboni!" (which means 'teacher').
Maybe you think that you would have been smarter than Mary? ButMary was one of the disciples who still did not understand thatJesus had to rise from the dead, and doubtless we would have beenthe same.
All we can do is to look with wonder into the empty tomb and marvelthat the Jesus who has been raised from the dead meets us, knowsus, and like Mary, calls us by name.
To Ponder
How do you keep fresh the wonder of theresurrection, especially if you are very familiar with thestory?
Imagine you are Mary or Peter or John when theyfirst arrived at the tomb, found it open and the body gone. Howwould you have felt if you were one of them? Would you instantlyrecall all the hints that Jesus had been giving, almost from thebeginning (John2:19) or would you still be completely mystified?
Imagine that you are one of the disciples to whomMary says, "I have seen the Lord". What would be going through yourmind as she spoke these words to you?