Sunday 26 February 2023

Bible Book:

'If you are the son of God...' (vs 3, 6)

Matthew 4:1-11 Sunday 26 February 2023

Psalm 32


Matthew paints a vivid picture of Jesus’ baptism. As Jesus comes up from the waters of the Jordan, the heavens split open, the Spirit of God comes down like a dove upon Jesus, and a voice from heaven says, "This is my Son, the Beloved" (3:16-17). It is a powerful affirmation of Jesus’ true identity.

Then, the same Spirit leads Jesus out into the desert to confront the devil. Jewish narrative is full of stories of desert demons who tempt people into sin. When Matthew’s hearers learnt that Jesus was heading into the desert, they would have expected a battle of wills to follow.

The devil chooses to attack Jesus’ newly proclaimed identity as the beloved Son of God. "If you are the son of God", the devil says to him, "then flaunt it. Turn these stones into bread! Throw yourself from the pinnacle of the temple! Make yourself world king!"

They are powerful temptations. There is the pressure to counter the devil’s insidious doubt: are you really who you claim to be? Equally, there is the pressure to make a difference: to feed the hungry and dominate the world. Yet if he gives in, Jesus will act for all the wrong reasons. At the root of such action would be a choice to follow the devil and not God.

God’s children have been here before. The people of Israel faced challenge after challenge in the years they wandered in the wilderness, and they responded by challenging God in return (for examples, see their complaints at Exodus 16:2-3, 17:1-7). Will Jesus behave in the same way while he is in the wilderness?

 Jesus is unshakeable in his allegiance to God. His replies reject the devil’s schemes more and more strongly. "Away with you, Satan!" he shouts finally (v. 10). And the devil goes, defeated by the one who is, truly, the son of God.


To Ponder:

  • Jesus uses Scripture to help him say no to the temptations. Alongside this, what other resources might help people withstand the pressure to do wrong?
  • Imagine hearing God’s voice telling you ‘"You are is my beloved child". How would that make you feel?
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