Sunday 27 April 2014

Bible Book:

“Jesus said to them again, ‘Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, so I send you.’” (v. 21)

John 20:19-31 Sunday 27 April 2014


At one level the passage today is a fascinating resurrectionstory, but on another there are many questions about why John'sGospel includes what it does. We read of scared disciples who havelost their beloved leader and are hiding away in fear for theirlives. I suspect it is hard for those of us who live in peacefulcountries to imagine what that must have felt like: however, whenwe watch news of others who live in place undergoing war and civilunrest, then we do begin to get an inkling of what these verses sobriefly describe.

Into this fear and panic the resurrected Jesus comes to offerpeace, an instruction to be sent out, then the gift of the HolySpirit, the and some guidance about forgiving others. It isimportant that peace comes first as there must have been panic anduncertainty. But then comes the greatest challenge, "as the Fatherhas sent me, so I send you". The first task given to the disciplesis to go, to set off on a journey, to teach and to do the thingsthey have seen Jesus do.

But now questions arise: what does it mean to be 'sent'? We haveno clues here. It is as if John's Gospel is written in shorthand.It is also intriguing that not all the disciples were present whenJesus breathes the Holy Spirit on them. Why would Jesus beexcluding some? Especially when, later in the story, we have theoutpouring of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost (Acts2). Was this breath just for the few? Was it connected to theability to forgive sins? Was this passage written when structuresfor the early Church were being set up and needed to show thatparticular leaders have received this ability to forgive sins oncethey had received the Holy Spirit?

The passage concludes with the story of Thomas, labelled overthe years as 'doubting Thomas' when he did not believe in Jesus'resurrection until he had seen with his own eyes. Jesus promise ofblessing is for those who have not seen and yet believe.

To Ponder

  • How do you picture this story evolving in your own mind?
  • How would you have reacted in that situation?
  • To what extent is Thomas someone to admire as he shows hishumanity or is he someone who is who can disturb your peace in notbelieving? 
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