Sunday 28 December 2014

Bible Book:

“They offered a sacrifice according to what is stated in the law of the Lord, ‘a pair of turtle-doves or two young pigeons.” (v. 24)

Luke 2:22-40 Sunday 28 December 2014

Psalm: Psalm148


The two Gospels that treat of Jesus' infancy do so in verydifferent ways. Luke's Gospel does not tell us of the visit of theMagi (Matthew 2:1-12), the flight into Egypt (Matthew 2:13-15), or the massacre of theinfants (Matthew 2:16-18). Instead, it maintains thefocus on a family that was dutiful in religious observance:immediately prior to this story he notes that Jesus was named andcircumcised (Luke 2:21); the last of his stories of Jesus'childhood recounts that the family journeyed each year to Jerusalem(Luke 2:41-52).

The practice of redeeming the first born is an echo of theExodus story; part of the perpetual thanksgiving of Israel fortheir freedom from slavery (on the night that the firstborn ofEgypt were slain) was to offer and then to buy back each first bornson (Exodus 13:11-16). Luke's Gospel presents thisritual as being merged with another - the purification of themother after childbirth: according to Leviticus a woman was to makea sacrifice at the end of "the days of her purification" (Leviticus 12:4). Which of these demanded thesacrifice of two pigeons is not clear - whilst the Torah prescribeda lamb for each offering, this smaller gift may either suggest thatJoseph and Mary were not rich or that the custom had beensimplified over the centuries and made less expensive.

What Luke's Gospel records here is a ritual act that continues atradition: this is what God's people have done for centuries. ButLuke is clear that this is no ordinary child and therefore this isno ordinary family event. Both Anna and Simeon are prompted by theHoly Spirit to proclaim that this child is one who has beenpromised to restore God's people. In this episode, not only is thelaw (the Covenant relationship between God and God's people)observed; the law is fulfilled.

To Ponder

  • Anna and Simeon were both of a venerable age but spoke withhope about the future. How do we value the wisdom and fidelity ofolder people in the Church today?
  • Women (mercifully) are no longer 'churched' after childbirth.But what are the rituals that enable us to be thankful when thereis an addition to the family?
  • Throughout the first two chapters of this Gospel the temple isa place of worship and of expectation. In what ways does theworship that you experience (or perhaps lead) express anexpectation that God is going to do great things?

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