Sunday 29 June 2008
"Whoever gives even a cold cup of water to one of these little ones in the name of a disciple - truly I tell you, none of these will lose their reward." (v.42)
In this passage it is difficult to know exactly who Jesus isreferring to when he uses the terms "prophet" and "righteous man".Jesus does not seem to be using them in a derogatory sense, butrather as a comparison. The "prophet" and the "righteous man"(teacher) are people who carry a particular teaching. To receivethem, and to receive their word, is to receive the blessingassociated with that teaching.
Jesus then points out that the same applies for his Apostles. Toreceive the disciples and their teaching is to receive the blessingassociated with their teaching. The suggestion here is that thedisciples' teaching has led to an attitude of generosity andservanthood towards "these little ones" that was not there before.In giving they will receive.
I am reminded of John Wesley's famous words,
Do all the good you can,
By all the means you can,
In all the ways you can,
In all the places you can,
To all the people you can,
As long as you ever can.
To Ponder
Have you ever felt that you have been able togive "even a cup of cold water" (verse 42) in the name of Christ?How did that feel? Were you aware of being blessed?
How good are you at welcoming others into yourlife, your home or your church?