Thursday 02 March 2023

Bible Book:
1 Corinthians

I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ, and him crucified. (v. 1)

1 Corinthians 2:1-5 Thursday 2 March 2023


Who is Paul’s chosen audience in Corinth? If he had wanted to attract the city’s elite, he would have opted for a slick presentation, shaped with skilful rhetoric which demonstrated his learning. He makes a different choice, telling only the stories of Jesus and focusing on the Cross. His proclamation is accessible to everyone, not just those with the educational background to appreciate his wisdom. He tells the story of a man who brought God to ordinary people, shared their life and died alongside them at the hands of people in power. He tells it in a down-to-earth way, not over-confident but humbled by the huge task he is taking on (v. 3). He speaks in ways that people can understand, so that those who are most in need hear the story of how Jesus can change their life.  

This proclamation goes alongside demonstrations of the Holy Spirit and of power. The Corinthian Church would certainly have recalled the events Paul mentions here. Perhaps there were healings, perhaps hungry people were fed, or perhaps people were overwhelmed by the Spirit when they heard Paul preach the good news. In any case, the gifts of the Spirit are shared generously and freely. There is no discrimination in favour of the better-off in the community. Paul’s decision to proclaim the good news to all reflects his understanding of the God he serves, whose power can be available to everyone. This is an inclusive message to the poorest of the world.  

At the end of today’s reading, Paul changes focus and offers a second explanation for his preaching style. He tells the Corinthians that faith in this God depends on revelation in the Spirit, not reason. Earlier in the letter, Paul has rejected human efforts to reach God by wisdom (1.21) and focused instead on God’s readiness to reach out to us in Jesus. This is the ground of our faith. If faith is shaped by human wisdom, then when greater wisdom arrives, faith will change – it is completely insecure. When it depends on grace, nothing can shake it.  


To Ponder:

  • How can the Church today proclaim to people on the margins the good news of Christ crucified? 
  • What place do you see for human wisdom as people come to, or grow in, faith? 


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