Thursday 02 May 2013

Bible Book:

Mark 4:30-32 Thursday 2 May 2013


Here is another parable about the kingdom of God;it links with Jesus' wide use of farming or agricultural narrativesto explain and teach people in a public setting. Usually theseparables taught in this way would be explained to the disciplesseparately. This particular narrative does not have the explanationin the Bible leaving today's readers to assume it is similar tothat of other farming analogies explaining the kingdom of God (egMark 4:26-28).

This is a comparison - this parable says simplyhow we can compare the kingdom of God. When we compare the mustardseed as the kingdom of God in today's culture we often imagine amustard seed sprouting like the cress heads grown in school, ratherthan the vast tree which can rise to over 20 feet. Who could knowthat what appears to be an insignificant, feeble and smallseedling, holds the promise and potential that is world changing.That small tiny seed contains life.

However, it is not known when seeds are plantedwhich will grow, or when, or even how. How true is this of theseeds planted for the kingdom of God, by God and God's own people.Does the gardener become impatient or disheartened when the seedsdo not appear before their very eyes the next day, or is it withpatience, understanding and continued nurture that allows theplants to grow strong even if unseen or unnoticed?

Is this a call for the people of God to follow inGod's footsteps and nurture and have patience in the work of thekingdom? Like many of the parable about the growth of the kingdomit goes against humans desire to see things happen quickly,teaching patience and love is not just about the short term, butthe long game.

To Ponder

  • How have people sown seeds of God's kingdom into yourlife?
  • In what ways are you continuing to nurture these seeds?
  • Are there parts of your life where you need to ask God forpatience? What are they? Use this opportunity to ask for God'shelp.
Wednesday 01 May 2013
Friday 03 May 2013