Thursday 03 January 2013

Bible Book:

"I came ... that he might be revealed to Israel." (v. 31)

John 1:29-34 Thursday 3 January 2013


In the preceding section of this chapter, John theBaptist was presented as one who had come, not just to baptizepeople in water, but also to prepare them for the coming of someoneafter him who would be greater than him. Here we learn in moredetail what roles that greater person, Jesus, would fulfil.

Firstly, he would be "the Lamb of God who takes away the sin ofthe world" (v. 29). In Jewish apocalyptic literature the image of alamb was used for a triumphant messianic figure, and this may behow John the Baptist himself understood it, but the author probablyalso intended his readers to pick up an allusion to the sacrificiallambs of the Old Testament (eg Exodus12; Isaiah53). The implication then would be that Jesus would deal withour sin by bearing it on the cross and thereby procuring ourforgiveness. 

Secondly, he would be the one who 'baptizes with the HolySpirit' (v. 33). Many Jews at that time were expecting the arrivalof God's kingdom on earth, which would include the outpouring ofGod's Spirit on God's own people. People were being drenched withwater in the river Jordan, but through Jesus, John says, they wouldbe drenched with God's Spirit, giving them power to live holylives, and be effective in service and witness to others - aprophecy which we now know was fulfilled on the day of Pentecost(Acts 2), and continues to be fulfilledtoday.

Thirdly, he would be "the Son of God" (v. 34). This phrase wasused for many special figures in the Old Testament, includingangels, the kings of Israel and the nation of Israel itself, but inJesus' time it was commonly recognised as another messianic title,and this may have been John's meaning. In John's Gospel, however,the phrase takes on a deeper significance as one who stands in auniquely deep and intimate relationship with the Father, such thathe deserves the same honour as the Father himself (see John5.22-24).

To Ponder

  • In what ways does this passage stretch your understanding ofwho Jesus was and what he came to do?
  • In what ways can you make Jesus known today?
Wednesday 02 January 2013
Friday 04 January 2013