Thursday 05 January 2012
for great in yuor midst is the Holy One of Israel." (v. 6)
This short chapter from the prophet Isaiah needs to be readalongside chapter 11 (often read during Advent),where the Messiah is foretold, bringing with him a peaceful kingdomwhere "the earth will be full of the knowledge of the Lord" (
The end of chapter 12 brings a little break in Isaiah, and so thecurtain for the interval brings with it a rousing song and atantalising revelation: the one who will come, the one who willsave, is none other than the "Holy One of Israel" - the Lord, God,Yahweh. Of course God is great, God saves and delivers as Godalways has, God is righteous and holy, but is coming 'in theirmidst', among them. Perhaps where they would least expecthim.
At Christmas we think about the Messiah coming to earth as Jesus,born in Bethlehem, and the focus of this passage is often read asbeing about the Messiah's second coming. Although Christ has come,the full completion of his work is yet to be seen. But perhaps, inChrist, the two events cannot be separated: he who will come is theone who came and remains 'in our midst'. The name Isaiah means'Yahweh is salvation', and this is the same as Joshua, whocompleted the first exodus, and Jesus, who brings about the finalact of God's saving love.
To Ponder
Can you think of times when you have felt God'sanger turn to comfort and joy? What happened?
When have you encountered something of God 'inyour midst' recently? Or where has God been made known to youunexpectedly? What was the result?