Thursday 06 December 2007

Bible Book:

"I hid my face from you, but with everlasting love I will have compassion on you'' (v.8)

Isaiah 54:4-10 Thursday 6 December 2007


Here Isaiah is talking of the time that the Jews were in exile.The message is that the people were not forgotten by God. After thebrief time apart, reunion would be sweeter as God made it clearthat steadfast love is behind the desire to restore the people ofIsrael to God's companionship.

In the final verses of this passage, God extends the promise hemade to Noah by telling the people of Isaiah's time that he willnever punish them in anger again. His 'covenant of peace shall notbe removed' (verse 10).

In sending Jesus to earth, God kept his promise and prepared a waythat did not involve anger but unconditional love. And Jesus hasextended that love to us.

As a Church we have been through a series of extensions; the way weworship and understand God has changed and is changing. God remainsthe same yesterday, today and forever, but the way in which Godconnects with us changes - as much as it did with the people ofIsrael.

Therefore we need to understand God in the 21st century and from aglobal perspective that has never before been available. Given ourmulticultural society and technology like the internet, we can nowaccess all the world without leaving home. Our great commission inpreparation for the second coming can be realised by all of us.

To Ponder

What is our commission as a Church and asindividuals?

How can our worship and work connect with a 21stcentury God?

Wednesday 05 December 2007
Friday 07 December 2007