Thursday 06 July 2023

Bible Book:

Now in Jerusalem by the Sheep Gate there is a pool, called in Hebrew Beth-zatha, which has five porticoes. (v. 2)

John 5:1-18 Thursday 6 July 2023

Psalm 67


Our chosen verses today come from the opening of John chapter 5, and recall another healing, this time of an invalid in Jerusalem. Myth and legend surrounded the pool at Bethesda, suggesting that the first person to enter the pool when the waters were stirred up would be cured of his or her ailment. The paralytic tells Jesus that he can never get into the water quickly enough and that accounts for his presence at the site for some 38 years! Jesus heals him, performing this miracle in Jerusalem, in full hearing, potentially even in sight, of the religious leaders, and declares that he has the power to do so, without need for myth or legend.

The pool at Bethesda is an interesting site for contemporary scholars. The pool is described quite clearly in the Bible as having five covered colonnades or porticoes, which suggests an unusual five-sided pool. Previously, this was dismissed under the guise of artistic licence or mistranslation. However, in the late 19th century, such a pool was found. Over the course of over a century, archaeologists examining the site came to the conclusion that this was indeed the pool, as described in John’s Gospel, for it was a rectangular pool with two basins, separated by a wall and each with a portico.


To Ponder:

  • In what ways can scholars of other disciplines (such as archaeology or history) help us to understand the gospel accounts? Can you think of other examples, besides the pool at Bethesda?
  • Does such non-religious validation of biblical sites help to encourage faith?


We thank God for the revelations that appear before us and may we continue to ‘run the race’ of faith together.

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