Thursday 07 August 2014
- Bible Book:
- John
“I am the good shepherd. I know my own and my own know me, just as the Father knows me and I know the Father.” (vv. 14-15a)
This passage needs to understood as part of Jesus' ongoingconversation with the Pharisees following the healing of the manborn blind in chapter 9. Jesus describes his own ministry byreference to the example of the shepherd who stops at nothing, noteven death, in caring for the flock (verse 11). A strongimplication is that the Pharisees are akin to the hired hands,doing what is required of them, but no more (verses 12-13).Continuing one of the Gospel's themes of knowledge and lack ofknowledge, Jesus uses the image to speak of his relationship withthe Father. Just as Jesus knows the flock, so the Father knowsJesus. This passage anticipates the fuller reflections further onthe Gospel about Jesus' relationship with the Father, arelationship which is described here in terms of both knowledge andlove.
The passage also speaks of the death of Jesus, using themetaphor of the shepherd who lays down his life to protect thesheep. In the words of the Gospel, Jesus also speaks of hisresurrection: "I have power to lay down my life, and I have powerto take it up again" (v. 18). The parallel way in which verses17-18 treat the death and resurrection of Jesus perhaps cautions usabout interpretations which do not similarly seek to balance thetwo as parts of the story of salvation. Jesus' ministry isdescribed here by its relation to the Father, by its care for "thesheep" and by the way it will end in his death and resurrection:all of which contrast to the ministry of the Pharisees.
The remark in verse 21 brings to an end the dispute followingthe healing of the man born blind and reinforces the Gospel'sstatement of Jesus' relationship with God.
To Ponder
- How does your discipleship affect your whole life?
- How are you in relationship as a Christian? With God? Withothers?