Thursday 10 September 2009
"Above all, clothe yourselves with love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony." (v.14)
Paul is writing this letter to encourage a group of 1st centuryChristians in the town of Colossae, in modern-day western Turkey.As they try to live out their new lifestyle, so radically differentfrom the people around them, they need building up. Here, theteaching Paul gives emphasises the importance of one to another, asthey try to understand what it is to have Christ 'in' them.
How we dress matters. In today's world clothes express ouridentity; they give shape and appearance to who we are. Paul tellsthese Christians to dress themselves with "compassion, kindness,humility, meekness and patience" and "above all ... with love".Dressing is a conscious act, so there is no suggestion that suchways of behaving come naturally. Rather they are things wedeliberately choose, and as we choose them they shape how we look,and how others perceive us.
Paul continues with a deeper image. As people, we are affected bywhatever lives inside us; whatever rules in our hearts.Advertisements are an example of something which constantlysurrounds us, like a set of clothes we can't take off. If they cometo rule in our hearts, what kind of people will we be?
Instead Paul appeals to us, through these early Christians, to "letthe peace of God rule in your hearts" and to "let the word ofChrist dwell in you richly". We are transformed by having the storyof Jesus living inside us, affecting every moment, every choice. Itwill particularly affect how we treat our life in community.
These verses suggest that where a Christian community is formed,where all members have 'put on' Christ and have the word of Christdwelling in them, something remarkable can happen. A community cantake shape which knows how to deal with difference of opinion anddifficult behaviour. People can learn how to forgive, and how todiscover wisdom together. Living in Christ is about working outtrue community.
To Ponder
What are the different sets of emotional andbehavioural clothes which you wear? How do they affect the personyou are? And how others view you?
If you are part of a community, how far is itable to match up to the ideal of these verses?