Thursday 11 January 2024

Bible Book:

Now the Jordan overflows all its banks throughout the time of harvest. (v. 15)

Joshua 3:1-17 Thursday 11 January 2024

Psalm 54


Today we read about the Israelites crossing the River Jordan. What an extraordinary phenomenon! There are, however, several accounts of amazing things like this in the Old Testament – the dividing of the Red Sea for the Hebrews fleeing Egypt, for example. Geologically, the Jordan Rift Valley is part of a tectonic line running from Mesopotamia to Mozambique. The region is known as the Dead Sea Fault Zone. And, like all fault zones, it is prone to earthquakes and the like. In such occurrences, God’s people saw God’s hand at work.

Shittim, where the people had gathered before crossing the River Jordan, is mentioned a number of times in the biblical narrative. It is believed to have been on the plains of Moab, some eight miles north of the point at which the River Jordan enters the Dead Sea. From the east bank of the river, the people crossed the river to a point near Jericho on the west bank.

This was the moment for which the Hebrew people had been waiting – for the proverbial 40 years! They were crossing into the land which God had promised to them, for which they had left Eygpt, towards which they had been travelling for a very long time. A new life was about to begin for the nation – and the waters of the Jordan would not impede them.

Perhaps this is how migrant people feel as they arrive at the borders or the shores of a new land as they look for a new life and for security. But are the waters through which they have come waters of salvation – or otherwise? This is a challenge to the people of the land…

To Ponder:

  • God’s people have always been a people on the move (and 'On the Move' is the theme of this year’s World Methodist Conference in Gothenburg). How do you feel when migrating people settle somewhere near you?
  • Reflect on a time when you have needed to move to a new place, to start afresh – how did that venture feel for you?


Loving God, recreate me in your image, loving and with an open heart, an open mind and open hands towards others. Amen.

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