Thursday 13 December 2012
- Bible Book:
- Zechariah
"To cleanse them from sin and impurity" (v. 1)
In common with his fellow prophets, Zechariah is looking forwardto a new golden age, in which God's promises to God's own peopleare fulfilled. Whilst the second part of the book focuses on thecoming of the Messiah, there is still space for some chasteningwords. And this passage is one of them.
Cleansing from sin is one of the provisions of the new covenantbrought about by the coming of the Messiah (
It is interesting how these two things are so powerful and havethe strength to wreak such damage, yet here is they are used forsuch a positive purpose.
And in the middle of this passage there is the reference to ashepherd. Zechariah has already made reference to shepherds inchapter 11, drawing attention to the rulers of the people who actas bad shepherds (see
Despite all that will happen and all the trials and tribulationsthat God's own people may undergo, there still remains theunderlying promise of God - "they will call on my name and I willanswer them; I will say, 'They are my people,' and they will say,'The Lord is our God'" (v. 9).
To Ponder
- Water and fire can have destructive qualities. Yet they cancleanse and refine. How have powerful events and experiences madeyou stronger and deepened your faith?
- They are good shepherds and bad shepherds. How do you like tobe shepherded? Are you a good shepherd when it comes to caring forothers?
- "They will call on my name and I will answer them." Howprepared are you to call on God's name? And what sort of answer doyou hope (or expect) to receive?