Thursday 16 October 2008

Bible Book:

"I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, and in his word I hope; my soul waits for the Lord, more than those who watch for the morning, more than those who watch for the morning." (v.5-6)

Psalm 130 Thursday 16 October 2008


In the New Revised Standard Version of the Bible, this psalm islisted as one of the "Songs of Ascents", also known as the 'PilgrimPsalms'. There are 15 psalms that make up the Pilgrim Psalms in theBible, from Psalm 120 to Psalm 134. It is commonly held that thesewere recited by Jewish pilgrims travelling to Jerusalem to worshipin the Temple at festival times.

But at first glance this psalm hardly seems celebratory. From thedepths of sorrow the psalmist cries out to God for mercy. Thedepths bring to mind the utter misery and despair of Sheol - thedarkness of the underworld where Jews believed they went afterdeath.

Unlike with many of the psalms, the source of the psalmist'storment is not external - he is not under attack by enemies, nor ishe facing destruction through unhappy circumstances. No - he onlyhas himself to blame. His own sins have brought him to thisplace.

But once you read past the first few lines, this psalm of despairtransforms into a beautiful song of great hope. The psalmist iscertain of God's mercy and forgiveness and he knows that he willnot stay in the depths forever. But this hope does not come easilyor cheaply. He must wait on the Lord, patiently trusting in thepromise that God will not forsake God's people.

The psalmist hasn't yet seen God's favour, or any proof that it'scoming, but knows it's just round the corner. In fact, he's so sureof it that he encourages all of Israel to do likewise. Thisreflects the need for everyone to recognise the ways in which theyfall short of what they are meant to be. It's an invitation to sitat God's feet and wait for the redemption that has beenpromised.

It's a story of certainty in hope and the expectation that agraceful God gives good gifts to those who do not deserve them.

To Ponder

What does it mean to "wait on the Lord"?

How good are you at waiting on God?

When you wait for God to answer your prayers,what keeps you trusting in God's faithfulness?

Wednesday 15 October 2008
Friday 17 October 2008