Thursday 17 April 2008

Bible Book:

"Woe to the shepherds who destroy and scatter the sheep of my pasture! says the LORD... I will raise up shepherds over them who will shepherd them, and they shall not fear any longer, or be dismayed, nor shall any be missing, says the Lord... I will raise up for David a righteous Branch, and he shall reign as King..." (v. 1,4,5)

Jeremiah 23:1-8 Thursday 17 April 2008


The prophet Jeremiah lived around the end of the 7th century andbeginning of the 6th century BC. He warned of catastrophic eventswhich were to result from the nation's behaviour. People werefalling short of what God wanted of them.

History backed up Jeremiah's warnings. Nebuchadnezzar, king ofBabylon, dragged many of the leading people away and both theTemple and Jerusalem were destroyed. But the prophet predicted thereturn of the people to their promised land and the rebuilding thatwas to follow.

We sense that Jeremiah did not find it easy to speak out sotruthfully, out of sensitivity towards the people. However, God wasundoubtedly using him and he could not resist that call.

Today's passage uses the shepherding imagery we have come across inmuch of this week's readings. There are those who should have beencaring for God's people - those who were trusted as shepherds.Through their disobedience, they are responsible for the scatteringof the flock and they will be judged. Through Jeremiah, Godthreatens to "attend to them" (verse 2) - a pretty sternwarning!

But again, alongside the warnings, there is the reassurance thatGod's reign will once more overcome the wrong that has occurred.There is a glancing back to the figure of the young shepherd boywho became a great king - a look back to the reign of David. Itwill be from David's branch - his descendents - that one will comewho will be called "The Lord is our righteousness" (verse 6), whowill reign as king and will "execute justice and righteousness inthe land" (verse 5). This, Christians believe, will be JesusChrist.

To Ponder

Do you find it easy to think that God still actstoday as in biblical times?

Who are the scattered people nowadays?

Who might you look back to as a great shepherd ofGod's flock? What can you learn from that example?

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