Thursday 19 November 2009

Bible Book:

"Then I saw between the throne and the four living creatures and among the elders a Lamb standing as if it had been slaughtered." (v.6)

Revelation 5:1-10 Thursday 19 November 2009


The vision now concentrates on a sealed scroll and the angelsask who is worthy to open it. John (the author of the book ofRevelation) is aware of the presence of a lamb, who is Jesus Christand is worthy to open the scroll.

In the first Passover (Exodus 12:1-7) itwas the blood of a lamb that identified the Jewish households, soprotecting them from the death of the firstborn - the last of theten plagues. The lamb was a symbol of God's deliverance.

In Isaiah 53:7 the lamb is led to the slaughter for the sake ofothers. Many believe this chapter (Isaiah 53) findsits fulfilment in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Thirdly John the Baptist says, "Here is the Lamb of God who takesaway the sin of the world!" (John 1:29). This is the language ofcovenant.

The god of Israel has a relationship with God's own people througha covenant. In that covenant, it was established that God was thegod of Israel and Israel were the people of God. Marriage is theonly surviving common example of covenant today in the westernworld. To bring the covenant into being there had to be asubstitutionary death of an animal that represented the death ofthe two parties so that one new (joined by covenant) life couldbegin. Jesus, the lamb of God, was the covenant sacrifice thatmeant the world could be united with God. Jesus, as the sacrificiallamb, took all this upon himself so that we might become one withGod. This is good news!

To Ponder

In a covenant relationship with God, all that wehave is God's, and that which belongs to God is ours. It's mindblowing, but worthy of reflection.

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