Thursday 20 August 2015
“Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” (v. 34)
Psalm: Psalm 71:15-24
Recruits to the early monastic communities were asked if theydesired nothing more than Christ. For most of us that remains astrong and difficult challenge. But desiring God above all thingsis, so Jesus tells his hearers, ultimately liberating. Let go ofyour need to control the world around you, make possessions servethe needs of others rather than yourselves, let go of your anxietyabout life and health: these are profoundly counter-culturalinstructions. But they make sense if we believe that God hasultimate control over human history and that as humans we have aneternal destiny.
Notice that Jesus points to God's care for the whole of creation("consider the ravens … consider the lilies" (vv. 24, 27)); allliving things share in God's careful provision. We are creatures,too, and our special relationship with God should give us trustrather than anxiety. As Jesus points out, our fears and anxietiescan't make us live any longer (there is a reference in verse 25 toPsalm 39:5, "you have made my days a fewhandbreadths").
Jesus is speaking to those for whom a bad harvest could threatenstarvation or a period of illness spell disaster. But he tells themthat, rather than building up reserves against the possibility ofhardship, they should lessen their dependence on possessions andgive away what they can.
It is ironic that those of us who are surrounded by much moresecurity than previous generations are still anxious about whatwill become of us.
To Ponder
- How does worry manifest itself in your life? Or what gives youmost anxiety?
- How might you invest more of your 'treasure' in God's kingdomand your fellow-creatures?