Thursday 20 June 2024

"Rejoice that your names are written in heaven." (v. 20)

Luke 10:17-24 Thursday 20 June 2024

Psalm 145:10-21


Jesus has sent the disciples out and now they return full of excitement saying "Lord, in your name even the demons submit to us!" (v. 17) The reply they get is something like – that’s grand but the really good news is that you are part of God’s family; that’s the thing to get excited about. This dampens their enthusiasm a tad, although Jesus does go on to remind them that they have witnessed what kings have longed for but failed to see (v. 24).

Jesus’ focus is on their eternal home where they have certainty, security, welcome and acceptance. And today is World Refugee Day marking how so many people have had to leave that behind to escape persecution, violence, injustice and discrimination. Jesus’ disciples are helped to recognise the importance of their heavenly home. Perhaps a challenge for us is that we recognise this for ourselves, and that we acknowledge any accomplishments and possessions we have are just temporary and need to be shared.

Years ago my family had the opportunity to invite someone to live with us for a few weeks when they were facing deportation. It's one of those stories that had a very happy outcome, and so many don’t. But through that situation it was our friend’s faith and certainty that shone through. They were certain that God had it all sorted, despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary. And of course they were right. But in the months when their physical location was far from certain, they knew with complete confidence that their heavenly home was secure.

To Ponder:

  • Are we reluctant to share what we have with others at times?
  • In Britain today home ownership is beyond the reach of so many millions of people. What would Jesus do?

Loving God, we acknowledge anything and everything we have comes as your gift. Forgive us when we build walls around our lives. Enable us 'to build a bigger table' that we may better share your gifts.

Bible notes author: The Revd Dr Stephen Skuce
Stephen is the Superintendent of the North Western District of The Methodist Church in Ireland.

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