Thursday 23 March 2017

Bible Book:
1 Corinthians

“What then is my reward? Just this: that in my proclamation I may make the gospel free of charge, so as not to make full use of my rights in the gospel.” (v. 18)

1 Corinthians 9:15-27 Thursday 23 March 2017

Psalm: Psalm124


In the verses that come before today's passage,Paul has been talking about his entitlements as an apostle - foodand drink, a wage, the right to a family life - for 'those whoproclaim the gospel should get their living by the gospel' (1Corinthians 9:14) (Gospel, in this context, means the good newsof Jesus Christ). But here, Paul says that these basic rights areof no interest to him - they are not the motivation for hismissionary work. His real reward, his true wage, is to make thegospel 'free of charge' to those whom he meets. This echoes what wehave been reading in Paul's letter this week about not wantinganything - any attitude, behaviour or concern - to be a stumblingblock to others in finding or persevering in faith.

But today Paul takes it further. He talks aboutthe lengths to which he will go as a missionary preacher andevangelist: becoming all things to all people so that some, atleast, might come to faith. This is not a cynical PR exercise(trust me, I've seen enough of those both inside and outside theChurch) - rather, Paul is mining his own experience and identitythat he might find common ground with others. He is committed toseeing things from their perspectives and to walking authenticallywith them so that they might realise that the gospel he offersreally is good news for all - not just for a chosen few.

At the beginning of this year, my father becamesuddenly and seriously ill. He was admitted to A&E on theMonday after New Year's Day and didn't leave hospital untilFebruary. During his time there he received exceptional care andlife-saving treatment - care that was 'free at the point ofdelivery'. Nevertheless, Dad's treatment was hugely costly - bothfinancially and in terms of resources. I have never been moregrateful for the NHS.

Paul sees his mission as making the gospel 'freeof charge' so that others may come to faith - but, like treatmenton the NHS, what is 'free' for them is deeply costly for Paul. Hespeaks starkly about the price he pays for his dedication - and thestrength of will and discipline required to follow through on hisprinciples. Paul paints a picture of mission and evangelism that isdeeply challenging - but utterly grounded in reality.

To Ponder

  • How much might it cost you to make the gospel 'free of charge'to those whom you meet?
  • Do you ever feel like you try to be 'all things for allpeople'? How is it possible to do this authentically?
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