Thursday 24 December 2009
"By the tender mercy of our God, the dawn from on high will break upon us, to give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace." (v.78-79)
The Gospel-writer Luke is at pains to place the events of Jesus'birth within the history of Israel. Zechariah, father of John theBaptist, is a priest in the Temple in Jerusalem. He and his wifeElizabeth come from important families within that community, goingback to Aaron, Moses' brother. The prophecy that Zechariah declaresin Luke chapter 1 has echoes of the oracles (statements ordeclarations) of the Old Testament prophets and looks back to theancestors of the people of Israel, even to Abraham. He recalls theholy Covenant - the special relationship between God and humanbeings.
But Luke is also pointing to something new. Zechariah, filled withthe Holy Spirit, declares that his son will prepare the way for the'mighty saviour' who is to rescue the people of Israel from theirenemies. John the Baptist's special ministry is to offer the hopeof salvation to the people by helping them to turn from their sinsand be forgiven. In wonderful poetry, we are reminded that God'smercy is tender and that light will break in to darkness and eventhe threat (shadow) of death will be removed. That same light willguide people in the way of peace.
The themes of Advent and Christmas are brought together inZechariah's hymn of praise and prophecy. The fulfillment ofprophecy is brought about through the birth of two vulnerablebabies, and each action and word described is 'pregnant' withmeaning. Darkness is overcome by light and the light will never beextinguished. The people who have lived in that darkness will nowhave a light to see and be guided by and this will bringpeace.
The old covenant is being transformed into a new relationship withGod, through Jesus Christ. John becomes the final link in the chainbetween the old covenant and the new, but it is Jesus who willbring it into being.
So we wait, expectantly, hopefully, for 'the dawn from on high tobreak upon us' as we watch for the birth of the Prince ofPeace.
To Ponder
What do you watch and wait for?
Where are the signs today that point us towardsthe Prince of Peace?
Who do you think would love to be moved fromdarkness to light in our world today?