Thursday 26 May 2011
- Bible Book:
- Acts
"Now therefore why are you putting God to the test by placing on the neck of the disciples a yoke that neither our ancestors nor we have been able to bear? On the contrary, we believe that we will be saved through the grace of the Lord Jesus, just as they will." (vv. 10-11)
Today's passage from Acts
James sums up the debate after hearing a number of speakers byusing the authority of the prophets to show that the new "dwellingof David" (v. 16) - the temple or Jerusalem or even Israel itself -would be rebuilt in a way that would help all people seek the Lord.He declares his decision that circumcision should not be a barrierto the gentile believers but does make some requirements regardingdiet. The decision about a freedom of diet is one that will bedealt with later in the story of the early Church, made clearfollowing a vision Peter had in which God declares that nothing Godhas made should be considered unclean (
Whenever Christianity is treated as a club with strict rules andentry requirements it becomes exclusive and a poor copy of the Bodyof Christ. No amount of jumping through hoops will ever be enoughto bring us into the presence of God. Jesus Christ has already doneall that is sufficient and through his grace we are all welcome andall able to know his liberating salvation. Yet human nature leadsus to look for rules and barriers, which inevitably leave some onthe inside and others outcast.
To Ponder
Who would be welcome in your ideal church? Arethere people you would not want to welcome into the faithcommunity? How might you change this?
Are there rules in your church that are helpfulor unhelpful? What changes would you make?
What rules do you think people outside the Churchbelieve we have that might prove a barrier to them? How might youovercome this?