Thursday 27 November 2014

Bible Book:
1 Thessalonians

“For we now live, if you continue to stand firm in the Lord. How can we thank God enough for you in return for all the joy that we feel before our God because of you?” (vv. 8-9)

1 Thessalonians 3:6-13 Thursday 27 November 2014

Psalm: Psalm68:1-20 


Between yesterday's passage and today's, there are 13 verseswhich are often considered to be a later addition to the letter, inwhich the Thessalonians were affirmed for their faithfulnessthrough persecution and the writer expressed his personal sorrow innot being able to visit them again himself. Instead Timothy hadbeen sent and returned bringing good news of the believers' faithand love (no mention here of hope). Verse 6 speaks of kindremembrances - the relationship between Paul and his churchesincludes great affection on both sides. The good news brought byTimothy has done much to cheer Paul and his companions in a time ofdistress and persecution, so closely are they bound up with thiscongregation. The phrase in verse 7 "for we now live, if youcontinue to stand firm in the Lord" expresses a deep sense ofinter-connectedness between believers in different places.

Paul had not given up the idea of a visit and continued to pray(verse 10) that this might take place so that he may "restorewhatever is lacking". Is this, perhaps, a reference to the thirdpart of Paul's triad of faith, hope and love from 1Thessalonians 1:3, the hope which is not mentioned in verse6?

Whilst the Thessalonians are characterised by love (1Thessalonians 1:3; 3:6), there is always room for improvement;Paul's exhortation to further love took the form of a blessing(verses 11-13). This self-giving, agape love (rather thanphiladelphia "brotherly love") is not just to be demonstratedwithin the Christian community, but is to blossom into love forall. So the close, united family of believers is not to becomeinward looking, but, in a counter-cultural way, to express andoffer that love widely. Paul reminded his readers that there is agoal and an endpoint to this mixture of persecution, family loveand witness; the Lord Jesus Christ will come with all his saintsand he wants the Thessalonians to be blameless on that day when "The invisible appears in sight and God is seen bymortal eye".

To Ponder

  • If you have time today, look at some of the letters fromMethodist mission partners serving in many countries of the world(on the WorldChurch pages of this website) and be encouraged as Paul wasencouraged to know that the Thessalonians were thriving.
  • Think about faith, hope and love in your life and how theyinter-relate. How is your discipleship affected if one or more ofthese 'badges of belonging' is missing at times?
  • The 'Reign of Christ' will be revealed fully when he comes withall his saints. In what ways does Psalm68:1-20 prefigure that event?
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