Thursday 29 January 2009

Bible Book:

"And let us consider how to provoke one another to love and good deeds, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day approaching." (v.24-25)

Hebrews 10:19-25 Thursday 29 January 2009


As we read this passage, we engage seriously with a difficultsituation that these early Christians found themselves in - thereal threat of persecution. This is made clear later in the chapter. The message in these verses is thatencouragement is gained from meeting together and, for the writer,this is a priority.

For the persecuted Church it is easy to see why individuals mightnot want to congregate. A grouping is highly visible and appears tobe 'just asking for trouble'. Yet the writer asks how they mightinstead provoke one another to love and good deeds. This form ofprovocation is difficult (if not impossible!) unless there is acommunal gathering. It lies right at the centre of the Christianlife and so it is unsurprising that it is central to the writer'sthinking in this passage.

As we gather together to encourage one another there is a certainfocus to our words. We encourage each other in the direction of ourking. As we pray "your kingdom come ... on earth as it is inheaven" we encourage the life of heaven to be lived here on theearth. Or, let it be down here as it is up there. Love and gooddeeds, in this context, are a very general way of talking aboutlife lived under the king's rule. The good news that we celebrate,and that Jesus declared, is that the rule of the king is near (Mark 1:15) forthose who would just reach out and grasp it.

As we provoke one another towards the works of the kingdom, otherswill also be provoked. When the Church comes together and employssome mutual encouragement towards the life of the kingdom then apeculiar dynamic begins to be exercised in the communities touchedthrough this way of being. As lives are touched through generous,just and humble living, people ask questions regarding the root ofthese somewhat 'counter-cultural' activities. The door is then opento speak of the king. I think the term for this is evangelism!

To Ponder

Reflect on the times you meet together with otherChristians. Are you encouraged in kingdom work or are you anencourager?

In what ways does your church provoke questionsfrom the community it influences?

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