Thursday 29 May 2014

Bible Book:

"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." (v. 8)

Acts 1:6-11 Thursday 29 May 2014


The 40 days after the death of Jesus were an important time forthe disciples to be together - a further vital part of theirtraining. Many things happened that convinced them that Jesus wasalive and with them. Interestingly what they talked about mainlyduring those days was the kingdom of God.

At the end of this time of transition it was clear that Jesus wasno longer with them in any physical sense. The disciples came toterms with this together, realising they were on their own but withthe promise of the Holy Spirit to help them (John 14:15-17,25-26).

The challenge given to the disciples was daunting. They were to bewitnesses for Jesus - as the ones who had 'witnessed' theResurrection - not just throughout Judea and Samaria, but muchfurther afield. Indeed, as far as they could imagine.

The task for modern Christians is, of course, still a worldwide oneand the Christian Church of which they are members stretches roundthe globe, though many may still find it difficult to seethemselves as part of a world Church with a shared mission.

To Ponder

  • In what sense do you, as an individual or with others, seeyourself 'witnessing' to the set of values which Jesusrepresents?
  • Do you use the phrase "Jesus is alive"? If so, what do you meanby it?
  • To what extent do you see yourself as part of the worldwideChurch? What can you do to increase that sense?
Wednesday 28 May 2014
Friday 30 May 2014