Thursday 30 April 2009

Bible Book:

"The eunuch asked Philip, 'About whom, may I ask you, does the prophet say this, about himself or about someone else?' Then Philip began to speak, and starting with this scripture, he proclaimed to him the good news about Jesus." (v.34-35)

Acts 8:26-40 Thursday 30 April 2009


This is an unusual story with some rather strange elements.Philip has fled north from persecution in Jerusalem and has beensuccessfully proclaiming the good news about Jesus to the people ofSamaria. His mission has been endorsed and supported by a visitfrom two of the Church leaders from Jerusalem - Peter andJohn.

Suddenly, Philip was instructed by 'an angel' to get up and go downsouth to the road leading from Jerusalem to Gaza. On the road hewas then instructed by 'the Spirit' to approach a certain chariot.The occupant was a rather high up official in the court of thequeen of the Ethiopians (probably in modern day Sudan rather thanmodern day Ethiopia) and as a eunuch, was someone who had beencastrated.

Eunuchs were usually excluded from Jewish worship, but here was adevout man who had been up to Jerusalem in order to offer worshipin some form. Philip seized the opportunity that presented itselfand told the eunuch about Jesus, starting from the passage he wasreading from the prophet Isaiah (Isaiah 53:7-8) inthe Old Testament.

The eunuch was clearly impressed and convinced by Philip's words,as at the earliest opportunity he asked to be baptized. Philip washappy to oblige, showing what a pioneer he was in taking theChristian message out into the wider world and removing anybarriers in the Christian Church to those who have faith. Thestrange framing of the story is completed as "the Spirit of theLord snatched Philip away" and he continued his missionary worknorthwards up the coast from Azotus to Caesarea.

Whatever is made of some of the stranger aspects of this story, oneclear message can be drawn: the Holy Spirit was initiating anddirecting the mission of the early Church - a recurring theme inthe book of Acts.

To Ponder

In this story, God communicates with Philip in arather direct and unusual manner. What are your experiences ofcommunicating with God? How do you discern the voice of God?

Philip started with where the person was - withthe passage of Scripture that the eunuch was reading. What mightthis mean in the broader context of trying to communicate anymessage?

Which pioneers (in any field) have inspired you,and in which areas of Christianity do you feel pioneers are mostneeded at present?

How might you discern whether work you areengaged in is inspired by God?

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