Thursday 30 March 2017
- Bible Book:
- 1 Corinthians
“In the one Spirit we were all baptised into one body – Jews or Greeks, slaves or free – and we were all made to drink of one Spirit.” (v. 13)
Psalm: Psalm 129
Baptism matters more than anything else. For Paul, this isfundamental to his understanding of Christian identity. He hasalready emphasised this to Christians in Galatia: "There is nolonger Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is nolonger male and female; for all of you are one in Christ Jesus" (
This new life is already ours in part, but we shall not receiveit in full until Christ returns (
To help the Corinthians make sense of this, Paul draws on
Paul uses this story as an allegory of the life of the Church.Though we are all different, though we all have different gifts ofthe Spirit, we all have our part to play. He develops it bydistinguishing between 'honourable' and 'less honourable' parts ofthe body and explains how we treat the less honourable parts withgreater modesty.
Why does Paul choose to do this? He is moving towards a rebuketo the Corinthians for valuing certain gifts of the Spirit aboveothers. He finally reaches this point in
To Ponder
- Who is there in your church whose gifts could be better usedfor the good of the whole body? (This might include you!) How couldyou go about helping this change to happen?
- Paul borrows the story of the body from his cultural context.What pictures or stories from your own culture could you use tomake the same point for our own times?