Thursday 31 March 2011

Bible Book:

"Truth has perished; it is cut off from their lips." (v. 28)

Jeremiah 7:23-28 Thursday 31 March 2011


Yesterday's reading was a reminder thatGod's law is unchanging and that God's people are to remainobedient to it. Today, there is a very different tone. The peopleof God have failed to follow the law. They are continuing withtheir sacrifices, but sacrifices don't mean anything without faith.In modern terms, the Israelites are worshipping God on Sunday andthen forgetting God the rest of the week. Their reputation as the"Children of God" has disappeared and they are now known as "thenation that did not obey the voice of the Lord their God" (verse28).

For many churchgoers this is a familiar story. On Sunday morning wehead to church and put on our best 'Christian' face; we sacrificeour lie-in and our lazy Sunday morning to God. But unfortunatelythis worship is not always backed up with true obedience in therest of our lives. We do not live our lives for God.

To Ponder

If the people you meet at Church on Sunday wereto meet you on Monday morning, would they recognise you? And viceversa?

Is God confined to your Sunday box? How can webetter allow God into the rest of our lives?

To what extent can we truly give our lives to Godif we do not follow God's rules?

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