Tuesday 01 February 2011

Bible Book:

"Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight and the sin that clings so closely, and let us run with perseverance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus the pioneer and perfecter of our faith." (vv. 1-2a)

Hebrews 12:1-4 Tuesday 1 February 2011


Have you ever been watched by a vast crowd? At a graduation orwedding, a sporting event or concert? It can be unnerving, but ifthe crowd is friendly, on your side and cheering you on, then itcan be very heartening and encouraging. Here the writer of thisletter to weary Christians conjures up that image of a stadium inwhich all readers (whether 1st century or 21st century) become thecontestants, trying to throw off the burdens which slow them downand impede their progress, and lay aside the sin which entanglestheir lives and threatens to trip them up, and to persevere to theend of the race. In this endeavour, we are urged on by "witnesses"- those who both watch and encourage our progress and who also, bytheir lives, bear witness to the power of faith in God. 

However, whilst the cheers of the crowd may spur the athletes on,they cannot provide the resources needed for contestants tocomplete the course; for that, the writer suggests, we must look toJesus. Jesus is the supreme example of endurance; for he enduredthe cross with all its pain, humiliation and shame. Crucifixion wasnot only a cruel, lingering form of execution, it was also exposed,public and degrading, especially for Jews who might recall words ofthe law "for anyone hung on a tree is under God's curse" (Deuteronomy 21:23). This Jesus bore, and becamevictorious over, through the joy of resurrection and ascension tothe right hand of God. 

Therefore Jesus is first the "pioneer" of a Christian's faith - theone who blazes the trail, who even goes through death itself sothat all can follow him in confidence. He is also the "perfecter"of faith, the one who can provide the strength and endurance whichre-fuel the Christian who is tempted to give up or loseheart. 

However far you have gone in your suffering, the writer tells thereaders of this letter, Christ has gone further. So today's reasonto be faithful is simple - Look to Jesus. 

To Ponder

When in your life have you felt the support ofthe "great cloud of witnesses"? What was it like?

How does the idea that Christ has pioneered a wayfor us, even to the cross, change how you feel about death?

How do you go about laying aside weight and sinin order to run the race better?

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