Tuesday 01 July 2014
- Bible Book:
- John
“Jesus answered, ‘Very truly, I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God without being born of water and Spirit.’” (v. 5)
The first half of John's Gospel (
After taking a whip to the traders and arguing with thereligious leaders in the temple, Jesus is not the most welcomevisitor to Jerusalem for the Passover! But one leader, Nicodemus,is intrigued - so he meets Jesus in secret, at night-time.
Nicodemus has recognised that God is at work in the signs ofJesus (verse 2). But Jesus asks for more than recognition - heoffers a completely new start (verse 3). Those who want to see theKingdom of God need to be "born from above" (or 'born again')(verse 3) in "water and Spirit".
Yet Nicodemus, despite being a Pharisee, a member of theSanhedrin (the ruling council of the Jews) and a rabbi (verse 10)cannot understand what Jesus is saying. This is especially strangeas the rabbis spoke of converts to Judaism as having rebirth. Andthe prophet Ezekiel had also spoken of God cleansing the chosenpeople with water and the spirit for the Messianic kingdom (
Thankfully, Nicodemus understood enough to become a disciple. Wesee him later in the Gospel asking that other Pharisees give Jesusa fair hearing (John 7:47-51); and after the crucifixion, he isthe one who provides the expensive spices to prepare Jesus's bodyfor burial (John 19:39-40). And no doubt he witnessed theraising up of the Son of Man …
To Ponder
- How easy is it to spot when we are stuck in a rut and need afresh start?
- What part does pride or position play in preventing us fromchanging?
- Is there any significance in the order of "water and Spirit"?What difference would it make to speak of being born of 'Spirit andwater'? Why?