Tuesday 02 April 2024

Bible Book:

The women were terrified and bowed their faces to the ground, but the men said to them, 'Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here, but has risen.' (v. 5)

Luke 24:1-12 Tuesday 2 April 2024

Psalm 136


On Easter Sunday we read the account in Mark's Gospel of Jesus rising from the tomb. Today we read Luke's version. We read about the witness of the women to seeing and hearing 'the men in shining garments' (angels) (v. 4) and also as the passage develops the different responses of Jesus' 11 disciples and others (v. 9).

Hearing Jesus had risen was extraordinary news that would challenge their belief system and could seem overwhelming. It was uncharted territory. It turned their world upside down to receive the unbelievable news that the tomb was empty and that Jesus had gone. (v. 5)

The women were greatly perplexed at the tomb, but they started to remember, and there was a sudden realisation that Jesus had foretold his rising from the dead when he was in Galilee. (vs 6-7) One can only speculate about what the women had thought at the time when Jesus had said this.

The women, who included Mary Magdalene, Joanna and Mary the mother of James as well as unnamed others, returned to the wider gathered group of Jesus' disciples, sharing their news. To speak about it must have helped them to process the scene they had witnessed. But they were doubted, disbelieved and accused of making it up and spreading idle tales (v. 11). Perhaps we can understand that first reaction from the others to receiving such far-fetched or impossible to process information.

But one of the disciples, Peter (v. 12) needed to investigate, see the evidence and be certain for himself. He went to the scene and took time to evaluate the sight of the empty tomb. He wondered what was happening and it is possible that, for once, he was lost for words. He marvelled at the empty tomb but chose to be alone to process his thoughts. Later on, Peter preached to others (Acts 2:4-36) of this amazing truth. He talked of the power of God in raising Jesus from the dead and that it was the Resurrection of the Messiah.

To Ponder:

  • Consider a time when you felt overwhelmed by something. What helped you manage that overload of information?
  • The gathered group received ‘words of life’ which would restore their hope in God. How can we be 'life-bringers' to those lacking in hope?
  • Experiencing an overwhelming despondency and grief as Jesus had died, the disciples and others were overwhelmed to discover he was now alive. How can the risen Christ help us when we become overwhelmed with life's ups and downs?
  • Spend some time reflecting on this passage and imagine yourself as one of the characters. If you were one of the disciples, how would you respond to the news of the empty tomb?


Jesus, as we hear the instructions from that empty tomb, show us the way to find your risen presence. Guide us to meet you, wherever you are waiting for us. As we obey your instructions, even if hope has been disappointed, guide us to follow you towards an everlasting ‘YES’! We think we believe, but help us to be more certain. Amen.

Bible notes author: The Revd Frances Ballantyne

Frances Ballantyne was ordained within the Congregational Federation and transferred to the Methodist Connexion where she served in the South Holland and Mid-Cheshire Circuits and is currently in the Leicester Trinity Circuit. She has been a volunteer for Victim Support and is currently a member of the Methodist Survivors Advisory Group. She has contributed to BBC Radio Leicester's ‘Thought for the Day’ and written articles for 'The Accord Journal' (for Christian counsellors) and prayer poems for several publications. She is currently challenged by a diagnosis of medullary thyroid cancer.

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