Tuesday 02 June 2020
‘... and hope does not disappoint us, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit that has been given to us.’ (v.5)
Psalm: Psalm 18
In this short passage – which occurs midway through the first section of the letter to the Romans (1–8) – Paul describes the peace that comes in Jesus and the way in which God works through suffering.
The peace that comes in Jesus rests upon the believer’s justification by faith, a theme Paul has unpacked in the previous two chapters (3:21–4:25). The peace God gives is the peace of reconciled parties, the peace that brings together those who have previously been at enmity (cf 5:10-11). While God has always been ‘for us’, the cross has made possible reconciliation between God and humanity. This peace also gives Christians confidence in coming to God in prayer and for fellowship (verse 2).
Since salvation is a gift, Christians boast not in good works or what they have done but rather "boast in the hope of sharing the glory of God" (v. 2b). They look forward to experiencing the fullness of life in God.
Christians boast not just in hope, however, but also in ‘suffering’, knowing that through suffering God can do amazing work – producing endurance, character and hope (verse 3-4). Like other early Christians, Paul knew that Christian life would involve suffering, but encouraged those who followed Jesus to trust that the Spirit was working in them even in difficult circumstances.
In the final verse of this passage, Paul reminders readers of the gift of the Holy Spirit (verse 5). The hope that emerges at the end of suffering does not disappoint because it is accompanied by the love of God given to us by the Holy Spirit. This could be either our love for God or God’s love for us, but the reference to God’s love for us that comes shortly after this passage (5:8) makes the second interpretation more likely. This is the love that warms the heart, the love that assures us that we belong to God no matter in what situation we find ourselves.
To Ponder:
- How do you see the relationship between ‘justification by faith’ and ‘peace with God’?
- In what ways have you experienced the love of God in times of suffering or difficulty?