Tuesday 02 October 2007

Bible Book:

"A ruler who oppresses the poor is a beating rain that leaves no food ... The evil do not understand justice, but those who seek the LORD understand it completely". (v.3,5)

Proverbs 28:3-10 Tuesday 2 October 2007


Sadly many have had first-hand experience in recent times of 'abeating rain that leaves no food'. During the unusually wet summer,farmers from Herefordshire to East Yorkshire saw their crops ruinedby torrential rain and floods. A ruler who oppresses the poorinflicts the same kind of devastation. 

There is a clear contrast made here between those who seek God andthose who are evil; those who keep the law and those who forsakeit. It is better to be poor, with integrity, than rich and crooked.Actions speak louder than words, so if the law is not being adheredto, the people's prayers will not be heard. 

There is no room here for a religion that is disconnected fromlifestyle and action. All is of a piece and indeed the true test ofreligion is how it is worked out in relation to others, especiallythe poor and the marginalised. Spiritual exercises are of noconsequence if they are not coupled with goodness, integrity andjustice. 

The strategy adopted to encourage such wise living is that of bothcarrot and stick; those who lead upright lives will be rewardedwell and those who mislead the upright will be their ownundoing.

To Ponder

Of course, the world is not filled by 'evil' and'blameless' people but by human beings with potential for both.What could you do today to express goodness, integrity orjustice?

What do you know about the poverty in thiscountry - in both rural and urban communities? Look out for detailsof the Poverty and Homelessness Action Week 2008 (www.church-poverty.org.uk/news-items/poverty-and-homelessness-action-week-2008).

Is there a particular situation of poverty thatyou can focus on in your prayers and with your actions?

Monday 01 October 2007
Wednesday 03 October 2007