Tuesday 04 August 2015

Bible Book:

“A sower went out to sow his seed” (v. 5)

Luke 8:4-15 Tuesday 4 August 2015

Psalm: Psalm 61


Modern farming methods ensure that seeds are sown only where thefarmer intends they will grow, in carefully prepared soil. Even atthe time of Jesus, when seeds would have been precious, a goodfarmer would never have just tossed seed among rocks or on hardbaked ground. The point Jesus is making in this parable is that Godis not an efficient farmer. God just keeps on sowing the seeds ofthe gospel (good news of Jesus) in even the most inhospitableplaces. No farmer would ever do this, but God can do no otherbecause God is gracious and God's greatest desire is that peoplewant to be in relationship, so God just goes on throwing out theseed.

When we read this story we usually focus on what happens to theseed rather than on the action of the sower, but the sower reallyis the key to understanding this parable. The story is directedtowards people who are 'sowers'. God is the primary sower, but thedisciples have accepted the commission to join with Jesus inspreading the word of God to "all nations" (Matthew 28:16-20) so it is their job to makesure the soil is well prepared and the seeds are sown.

The disciples are given the meaning of the parable (verses11-15), not because they are superior to the crowd who heard thestory, but so that they can be responsible for those who have noother way of hearing the gospel. This is a parable for the sowerswho are encouraged to prepare the ground as well as they can, butthen trust in the generosity of God and watch with delight as God'sword takes root in people and places we would never have thoughtpossible. We would never throw the seed without looking where it isgoing to land. We would make sure it was thrown only to people likeus. How different our careful, defensive, well-managed missionstrategies are from God's generous randomness.

To Ponder

  • Where is God generously sowing seed in your community?
  • How can you help these seeds to flourish? 
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