Tuesday 05 February 2008
- Bible Book:
- Ruth
"May you have a full reward from the LORD, the God of Israel, under whose wings you have come for refuge!" (v.12)
(If you have not read
Now in Bethlehem, Naomi and Ruth find themselves in need of food.Ruth decides to go gleaning - collecting the grains of cereal leftby the harvesters. She happens upon a field owned by Boaz - arelative of her dead father-in-law - who discovers who Ruthis.
Ruth cannot believe how fortunate she is to have met Boaz and comesto realise that his generosity is in response to all that she hasdone for Naomi. Her unexpected reward is received because of herlove and loyalty.
Ruth comes to a foreign land, is employed in an activity of thepoor (gleaning), places herself under the protection of an unknowngod, having first demonstrated godly characteristics in herrelations with others. As a result, she receives God's blessing andprovision.
The story of Ruth is a great challenge to us as migrationincreases. There are real differences between then and now but thepassage speaks as much about welcoming the stranger and the poor,as it does about hard work and charity. Boaz would not have been asgenerous to Ruth if he had not known who she was, but our 'hungerfor God' should lead us to welcome and befriend all in need if weare to live as God would have us live.
Being a Christian is about representing God - witnessing to others- just as it is about a personal, loving relationship. And ourwelcome to others needs to extend beyond 'me and mine'!
To Ponder
What does the passage say to us about those wholive godly lives but do not recognise God?
And what of those who come among us as strangersand foreigners but are selfless in their living?