Tuesday 06 May 2008

Bible Book:
1 Kings

"Therefore devote yourselves completely to the LORD our God, walking in his statutes and keeping his commands, as at this day." (v.61)

1 Kings 8:54-65 Tuesday 6 May 2008


Solomon was a son of King David, often thought of as Israel'sgreatest king. David had chosen Solomon to succeed him. Solomon hadrealised the awesomeness of the task of being king and asked Godfor an "understanding mind" (1 Kings 3:9), witholder translations of the Bible using the word 'wisdom'. It is fromthis that we get the saying "the wisdom of Solomon".

The Temple, which was to be a permanent place of worship for theIsraelites, should have been built during David's reign, but David,as a warrior, had "shed much blood" (1 Chronicles 22:8).Instead Solomon was given instructions by God to build the Temple(1 Kings 5-7).Once the building was completed, Solomon brought the ark of thecovenant (the large box containing the stone tablets on which theTen Commandments were written, often said to be the 'seat of God')into the Temple.

Before the sacrifices are offered, Solomon prays for the people whohave assembled for this great occasion. The king kneels to praywith outstretched hands, giving us a picture of someone earnestlywanting the best for his people from God. This prayer echoesDavid's charge to Solomon (1 Kings 2:3).

You can hear the longing and passion in Solomon's voice. He knowsGod worked miracles in the past and wants God to be with his peoplein the same way. But they must keep their side of the bargain. Theyhave to obey the Law and God must be their focus.

This gathering was incredibly large and people came from as far asLebo Hamath (on the northern border of Israel) and the SouthernWadi (dry stream bed) of Egypt. The sheer amount of sacrifices hadto be burnt in the courtyard of the Temple, as the usual altar wastoo small. What a celebration!

To Ponder

God is God of past, present and future. What doesthis mean to you?

When we gather to celebrate God's worth, whataction, if any, are we expecting on God's part?

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