Tuesday 07 December 2010
"So it is not the will of your Father in heaven that one of these little ones should be lost." (v. 14)
Verse 12 sets before the reader some complicated moral dilemmas.It pictures someone responsible for 100 sheep, 1 of whom has goneastray. The shepherd is with the remaining 99 on the open hillside.What is he to do? Abandon the 99, exposing them to danger, to golooking for the stray? Or cut his losses: leave the one to ensuresafety for the 99? The answer isn't obvious.
The reader might expect verse 13 to pose another dilemma. What ifthe shepherd decided to go searching? There could be no guaranteeof success. But if he found the stray, what will be his attitude?Annoyance and anger? Or relief and happiness?
Actually, verse 13 isn't a matter for debate. Jesus makes anauthoritative statement, a solemn declaration about God ("truly Itell you"): God always rejoices more over a stray who is found thanover 99 who never wandered away.
But precisely who delights God so much? It is 'one of these littleones who has gone astray' and is now found. In context, these wordsprobably refer to a relatively new disciple who has gone astray.And to go astray is to get drawn away from the austere,single-minded following of Jesus. It is to get sucked in to "thecares of the world and the lure of wealth" (
God ("your Father in heaven") never wants an inexperienced discipleto go off the rails. God risks everything and goes searching forthe one who has wandered away. That is the extent of God's care.God rejoices beyond measure when a young disciple is restored tothe way of the Lord, the way of the cross.
Everyone in the Church, sharing in the very life of God byfollowing Jesus, must watch out for new disciples. Experienceddisciples must care enough to go the extra mile in searching themout if one of them goes astray. That is top priority.
To Ponder
Parents bringing up and caring for their childrenface challenging issues in today's world. Who supports you, if youare a parent? And what support can you give to parents youknow?
Caring for colleagues at work, or for people inyour neighbourhood, in ways that respect a wide range of values andlifestyles: who helps you both to be true to yourself and to begenuinely friendly?
What is your experience of giving and receivingpastoral care in your congregation? How can it be betterfocused?