Tuesday 08 April 2014

Bible Book:

“If our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the furnace of blazing fire and out of your hand, O king, let him deliver us.” (v. 17)

Daniel 3:1-25 Tuesday 8 April 2014


Worshipping an idol was something the Jewish people wereforbidden from doing, as was made clear in the Ten Commandmentsgiven to Moses by God (Exodus20:1-17). It didn't take long before that commandment wasbroken, with Aaron helping the Israelites to make a golden calf forthem to worship (Exodus 32:1-6). However it did not endthere;the kings of Judah and Israeli were judged repeatedly bytheir inability to prevent their people from following idolworship. It was one of the reasons why the Jews believed Jerusalemfell and many were taken in to exile, and why Daniel now foundhimself in Babylon as a chief advisor to King Nebuchadnezzar.

It seems an odd decision of the king to make the golden image,as just a few verses earlier we hear him declare to Daniel, "Truly,your God is God of gods and Lord of kings" (Daniel2:47). It appears though to be less about worshipping a new godand more a case of the king demonstrating his power over hispeople. He expects utmost allegiance with dire consequences foranyone who disobeys him (verse 6).

Nebuchadnezzar does not appear to have given any thought aboutthe impact his decree would have on the Jews, as it was only afterhis advisors, probably jealous about the power Daniel and hisfriends have acquired, tell him that his command is not beingfollowed. Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego demonstrate that they havelearnt the lessons of Jewish history and are now committed tofollow God's commandments, whatever the cost. The king cannot loseface and so has no option but to throw them in to the fire.

The description of the furnace being seven times hotter and theneed for the strongest guards to bind the men (verse 19-20) showsthe king of Babylon at his most powerful, yet the protection thethree men receive from the flames shows that it is the God ofIsrael who has ultimate power over all things.

To Ponder

  • Consider those times when you have found it difficult to changeyour mind despite the consequences of your decision. What lessonscan you learn to avoid doing this again?
  • Give thanks for those times when you have felt God stoodalongside you during stressful or difficult periods.
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