Tuesday 09 June 2015

Bible Book:
2 Kings

“It will be alright.” (v. 23)

2 Kings 4:1-37 Tuesday 9 June 2015

Psalm: Psalm 18:1-16


This long passage is prefaced by accounts of war and strife aswell as references to the company of prophets who seem to beconstantly present amongst the people. They are contacted to guidethe kings in their decision making. Amongst them is Elisha whohelps a widow repay her husband's debts and meets a rich couplewith whom he frequently comes to stay and he wants to thank themfor their generosity to him. He decides that they need a child andso in due season a son is born to the woman. But some years laterthe child dies. Just as God breathed life into Adam's nostrils (Genesis 2:7), Elisha breathes life into theboy.

Here are two stories of great generosity, love and unimaginablemiracles. Filling jars with olive oil from a little that was leftin the house until there were no more vessels available thusenabling the widows debts to be paid off in full, resonates withother Old and New Testament stories of providing plenty in times ofreal need. Restoring life to the little boy when he was anunrequested gift is perhaps a little more tricky to explain but themother's belief that, "it will be alright" is such a simple andheartfelt belief that it is incredibly moving. I can't imaginetravelling a distance to find a holy man, leaving my dead son to doso as well as all that I would cling to for comfort. But such washer faith and her hope.

At times of real need we do tend to do extraordinary things. Thehuman spirit is unstoppable. Witness the people who were found inthe rubble in Nepal after the two devastating earthquakes, the couple who took their son abroad for cancertreatment despite facing huge pressure not to do so. We can anddo make great efforts to keep life going and to live with hope,rather than surrender and give up.

To Ponder

  • Pray for all those in the news and known to you who have tosurmount huge challenges in order just to survive. Give thanks forall that you have and especially the quality of life that you have,for the NHS and agencies who reach out to meet people in theirgreatest need.
  • Consider the quotation," It will be alright" and reflect onwhen you could have said that and did not, and when you have saidit and worried that it might not be 'alright'.
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